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PLC cabinet
PLC cabinet

PLC cabinet

1. PLC controller: it contains a program, which can realize the full brake control of the water supply process

2. Man-machine interface: touch screen or text screen, parameter setting, running status view, fault diagnosis display.

3. Switching power supply: for PLC and man-machine interface, and for external control loop.

4. Frequency conversion control: It is the application of frequency conversion technology and microelectronics technology to control the speed of the AC motor by changing the frequency of the motor's working power supply

PLC cabinet

PLC cabinet

1. PLC controller: it contains a program, which can realize the full brake control of the water supply process

2. Man-machine interface: touch screen or text screen, parameter setting, running status view, fault diagnosis display.

3. Switching power supply: for PLC and man-machine interface, and for external control loop.

4. Frequency conversion control: It is the application of frequency conversion technology and microelectronics technology to control the speed of the AC motor by changing the frequency of the motor's working power supply

PLC cabinet

PLC cabinet

1. PLC controller: it contains a program, which can realize the full brake control of the water supply process

2. Man-machine interface: touch screen or text screen, parameter setting, running status view, fault diagnosis display.

3. Switching power supply: for PLC and man-machine interface, and for external control loop.

4. Frequency conversion control: It is the application of frequency conversion technology and microelectronics technology to control the speed of the AC motor by changing the frequency of the motor's working power supply

PLC cabinet

PLC cabinet

1. PLC controller: it contains a program, which can realize the full brake control of the water supply process

2. Man-machine interface: touch screen or text screen, parameter setting, running status view, fault diagnosis display.

3. Switching power supply: for PLC and man-machine interface, and for external control loop.

4. Frequency conversion control: It is the application of frequency conversion technology and microelectronics technology to control the speed of the AC motor by changing the frequency of the motor's working power supply

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Telephone:0731-8680 1085

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